440 Donors
Offer a Challenge!
Who doesn't love friendly competition? On the 4.11 Day of Giving, we have three projects seeking funds: local service, the arts and athletics. Help us raise funds, reach our goal of 411 donors, and maximize your support for Scranton Prep students! So why not offer a Day of Giving challenge such as:
If 25 members of the Class of "1234" donate, I/we will donate $100.
I/we will make a $500 donation to the "The Arts" at Prep if that project reaches 50 donations.
If this social media post is shared 25 times on social media, I/we will donate an additional $10 for each share.
50 States in Purple Challenge
We've got Pennsylvania, but there are still 49 states to go! A loyal alumnus and friend of Prep has pledged to donate $25 for each state from which we received a 4.11 Day of Giving donation.
Faculty's Hour of Challenge
Past and present Faculty members will be on the telephones taking your donation calls. Call in and reminisce with your favorite Prep faculty members! Let them know what being involved in service, the arts and sports meant to you during your time at Prep. A donor has pledged to donate $25 for every faculty member who receives 5 donation calls each hour the top project of the hour.
Pace the Principal Challenge
This is Mr. Bernard's last year as principal at Scranton Prep. After 6 years at the helm, it's time to challenge and show our gratitude to him. Throughout the day, Mr. Bernard will be performing different challenges and looking for donors to help him stop the madness. Check social media each hour to donate and keep Mr. Bernard on the move.
The ASC Duel
Ryan Brown, Julia Casey and Kaitlyn Davis will duel it out during lunch periods. Students and Alumni can donate in their name and pass the torch to their favorite ASC member of the year! The ASC volunteer receiving the most donations each hour wins the crown until it is taken by another! The ASC with the least donations will need to make 411 consecutive foul shots before leaving for the day! Live video footage will be available on social media! May Prep's best ASC win!!
CALL IN for Ryan Brown at 570-677-7785 or Julia Casey at 570-877-2813 or Kaitlyn Davis at 570-878-2458
Ms. Kristin Cupillari, Class of 1987
For every member of the Class of 1987 that donates today, Ms. Kristin Cupillari will give an additional $4.11 per class member. Starting in the 2018-2019 school year, Ms. Cupillari will become Scranton Prep's first female principal!